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We celebrate SH2E Day! The event that presents the LCSA guidelines focused on hydrogen technologies.

We celebrate SH2E Day! The event that presents the LCSA guidelines focused on hydrogen technologies.

A remarkable milestone, as it is the first time that life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) guidelines for hydrogen technologies (FCH) have been established. This pioneering project develops the roadmap for the standardisation of these in the context of LCSA, which will lead to future standardisation at European and global level.
During the SH2E Day we will have the participation of experts from the hydrogen sector, experts involved in LCA, standardisation and normative sector.  Moreover, the experts involved in the project will present the dedicated LCSA tool developed in the course of the SH2E project.

If you come from the field of research, private or public companies and you work for the development of hydrogen as an energy vector, this conference is of interest to you.

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