April 15th-16th -Save the date: we participate in the openLCA Conference in Berlin
The openLCA.conf conference will provide an excellent platform for openLCA users, developers, and researchers to come together and exchange knowledge and experiences.
At this conference, attendees will have the opportunity to learn from others who have used openLCA for LCA studies, projects, and research. This knowledge-sharing will not only help enhance their own work but also contribute to the overall advancement of the LCA community.
Additionally, the openLCA developers will share insights about the next steps and the future direction of the openLCA software. This will provide valuable information for users and developers alike, allowing them to align their efforts and contribute to the continued development and improvement of openLCA.
By bringing together different stakeholders in the openLCA community, the openLCA.conf conference will foster collaboration and synergy, enabling new ideas and innovations to emerge. It will serve as a hub for networking, discussion, and building relationships within the LCA community.
During the event will be participating members of our consortium such as: IMDEA, GreenDelta, Symbio FZJ and CEA
We look forward to seeing you at the openLCA.conf conference Berlin, April 15th and 16th.
We are excited to see how it will further advance the field of LCA.